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Soeck Son's works... paintings or sculptures? They seem to reconcile the quarrel between Albert Einstein's relativity and Niels Bohr's quantum physics.

Indeed, his works are composed of particles or grains whose attributes of forms, dimensions and colours are superimposed, but not observable simultaneously, (Schroedinger's cat would have appreciated) and change according to the point of view of the observer.

As the gaze moves away from the most particular level, the motifs appear as an emerging property of the meeting of pixels, with the walls that cut the body of an elephant, a vase or a rhinoceros, like the slices of an MRI.

By taking a distance, the work continues to play with our visual senses, relativity imposes itself in the 3 dimensions, the work is deformed or even disappears and changes color like a chameleon according to the angle and the distance of the observer.

SeokSon also evokes this Korean tradition of minimalism, the recurrence of almost monochrome motifs, influence of the Dansaekwha school?

In the end we are hypnotized by the refined aesthetics,  supported by a meticulous manual work following a careful preparation of the painting, pixel by pixel.

Sin Seok describes his work:

"The two definitions of my work, by the figure and the background, by the surface and the relief, by appearance and disappearance, do not exactly overlap, because one is visual, but the other is manual.

To qualify the relation of the eye and the hand, and the values ​​by which this relation passes, it is not enough to say that the eye judges and that the hands operate.

The relationship of the hand and the eye is infinitely richer, and goes through dynamic tensions, logical reversals, organic exchanges and interferences.

This was the backbone of my work, I spend a lot of time and effort to create the background base. This meticulously hand built background, is the place that awaits the images. "

In truth the comments above are... incomprehensible, as long as we do not see the works ... come and admire them during the opening of 9 and 10 October (2 days so) 2019, from 18:30, at the Artskoco Gallery, at 5 Auguste Liesch Street, l-1937 Luxembourg. RSVP

Soeck SON is a Korean artist, born in 1955, living in the Paris region, his works are listed on the contemporary art market, at auctions since 2004, mainly at Christie’s and Seoul Auctions.

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