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1.Sung-Pil CHAE anonymous land(170111). 60x60cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2017

2. story of blue (200808). 60x60cm, ft

2. Sung-Pil CHAE  story of blue (200808). 60x60cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

4. story of blue (200810). 60x60cm, ft


Sung-Pil Chae paints on tilted canvases so that his paintings can ripple like a choppy sea or like leaves fluttering in the wind.

Sometimes the drops of paint fall and flow like the beginnings of a thunderstorm, forming delicate streams on dusty ground.

His art is both figurative and abstract, metaphorical and literal: Sung-Pil paints “the earth” with pulverized clays, coming from different continents, with a binder and pigments.


The light bounces off the canvas thanks to the numerous silvery reflections of the pearl, the silver or the powdered gold used as the basis of the artist's compositions.


For four years, SungPil Chae has entered a blue period. Blue like water, source of life and movement.


His works are exhibited in prestigious galleries: Opera in

NY, Miami, Bar Harbor, Aspen, London, Paris, Monaco







Jean Brolly, Baudoin Lebon, Shchukin in Paris.

He is present in museum collections in Asia and Europe, in the USA, especially in France at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, the Cernuschi museum, the BNP, etc. The National Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Seoul Museum of Art in Seoul.

He exhibits regularly at BRAFA exhibitions; Art Brussels; Art Paris; Art Central, HongKong; Busan Art; Shanghai Art; KIAF, Seoul; Art15 London; London Art fair; Art Karlsruhe; Miami Scope, Chicago Art Fair.

Sung-Pil CHAE 4. story of blue (200810). 60x60cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

7. story of blue (180103). 100x100cm.

Sung-Pil CHAE 3. story of blue (200809). 60x60cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

Sung-Pil CHAE7. story of blue (180103). 100x100cm. natural pigments on canvas. 2018

6. story of blue (200909). 100x100cm,

Sung-Pil CHAE 8. story of blue (200505). 116x89cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

8. story of blue (200505). 116x89cm, f

Sung-Pil CHAE 6. story of blue (200909). 100x100cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

CHAE Sung Pil


Born in 1972, Jindo Korea


Present / 2020     Doctoral program in Plastic Arts-

                             Paris 1 University

09.2005                Master2 (DEA) in Plastic Arts -                                             University of Rennes2

02.2003                M.A in Oriental Paintings - Seoul                                           National University

02.1998                B.A in Oriental Paintings – Seoul                                           National University

Solo Exhibitions

2018       Gallery Jean Brolly, Paris. France

                Gallery Grimson. Seoul. Korea

2017 Gallery Opera. NY. USA

       Gallery Opera. Seoul. Korea

2015 Gallery Red Zone Art. Geneva. Swiss

                Gallery Opera. Dubai. UAE

                Gallery CC. Seoul. Korea

                Gallery Baudoin Lebon. Paris. France

2014 Shchukin Gallery. Paris. France

   Caron Bedout. Villeneuve-sur-Yonne. France

2011 Young-Eun Museum, Kwang-Ju, Korea

2010 Christine Park Gallery. Paris, France

                Gallery 89. Paris. France

2009        Gallery Sejul. Seoul, Korea

2008      Gallery AROA. Paris, France

2007       Gallery Brasilia. Paris, France

                Gallery Sapphire. Chevereuse, France

Group Exhibitions

2019   Art Brussels, Brussels. Belgium

              BRAFA. Brussels. Belgium

              Art Paris, Paris, France

              Art Central, Hong Kong, China

2018 Art Central, HongKong, China

Art Paris, Paris, France

              Art Brussels, Belgium

2017     BRAFA. Brussels. Belgium

Full and Empty. Kyobo Art space. Seoul. Korea

2016     Art Paris. Paris. France

              Art Busan. Busan. Korea

             ‘Reminiscing on past time’ YoungEun Museum.                    Kwangju. Korea

              KIAF. Seoul. Korea

              CHAE Sung-Pil & Lee JaeSam. Gallery Grimson.                Seoul. Korea

2015     Art Paris. Paris. France

Art15 London. London.UK

Art Istanbul. Istanbul. Turky

Art Busan. Busan. Korea

         KIAF. Seoul. Korea

Art Elysee. Paris. France

           'SEOUL PARIS SEOUL’. Cernuschi Museum.                        Paris. France

SAUNAMU. International City of Arts.                                Paris, France

2014 London Art fair, London. UK

Art Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe. Garmeny

Art Paris. Paris. France

Busan Art Show. Busan. Korea

       Gallery Superior. Seoul. Korea

2013 Gallery Opera. Singapore, Dubai, Hong Kong and                Seoul

    Gallery Opera. Paris, London, Geneva and                          Monaco

      Gallery 89. Paris. France

Art Paris. Paris. France

              KIAF (Korea International Art Fair). Seoul. Korea

              DeaGu Art fair. DaeGu. Korea

2012     Korea tomorrow. Hangaram Museum(Seoul Art                    Center). Seoul. Korea

              Gallery Opera Seoul. Seoul. Korea

Sonamu. Ara gallery. Seoul. Korea.

Sonamu. 89 Gallery. Paris. Korea

DeaGu Art fair. DaeGu. Korea

Doors Hotel Art Fair. Seoul. Korea

              Monochrome in Korea. Gallery Dorothea van der                  Koelen. Mainz. Germany

The rite of spring. Gallery Maubert. Paris. France

2011 KIAF(Korea International Art Fair). Seoul. Korea

        Gallery Maubert. Paris. France

Aroa Gallery. Paris. France

2010 Miami Scope. Miami. USA

               KIAF (Korea International Art Fair). Seoul. Korea

               Korea Gallery Exibition. Daegu. Korea. 

2009      CIGE(China International Gallery Exibition).                         Beijing. China

               Chicago Art Fair. Chicago. USA

               KIAF (Korea International Art Fair). Seoul. Korea

              Art Kwangju. Kwangju. Korea

2008      Chicago Art Fair. Chicago. USA

               KIAF (Korea International Art Fair). Seoul. Korea

               ART Shanghai. Shanghai. Chana

               Daegu Art Fair. Daegu. Korea.

2005 -2006 International Art Fair Mac2000. Paris. France

5. story of blue (200918). 100x100cm,


Collection :

  • National Museum of Contemporary Art (Korea), Seoul

  • Museum of Art (Korea),

  • YoungEun Museum (Korea),

  • Government Complex Sejong (Korea),

  • Paris City Hall (France),

  • Cernischi Museum (France),

  • Sinhan Bank(Korea),

  • BNP Bank(France),

  • Majestic Hotel (France),

  • Citroen (France),

  • KaKaoDaum (Korea), Fnac (France), etc.

Sung-Pil CHAE  5. story of blue (200918). 100x100cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

9. story of blue (200415). 116x89cm, f

Sung-Pil CHAE  9. story of blue (200415). 116x89cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

Sung-Pil CHAE  Earth dreams (230514) 2023

Earths, Natural pigment on canvas 162 x130cm

10. story of blue (200707). 116x89cm,

Sung-Pil CHAE 10. story of blue (200707). 116x89cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

Sung-Pil CHAE 12. story of blue (200627). 162x130cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

Sung-Pil CHAE, Portrait of water / Portrait d’eau (230512). 162 x130cm. Natural pigment on canvas.2023.

11. story of blue (200708). 116x89cm,

Sung-Pil CHAE 11. story of blue (200708). 116x89cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

13. story of blue (200603). 162x130cm,

Sung-Pil CHAE 13. story of blue (200603). 162x130cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

14. story of blue (200213). 162x130cm,

Sung-Pil CHAE 14. story of blue (200213). 162x130cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

Sung-Pil CHAE,  Portrait of water /Portrait d’eau (230511). 117x91cm. Natural pigment on canvas 2023.

15. story of blue (200911). 162x130cm,

Sung-Pil CHAE 15. story of blue (200911). 162x130cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

Sung-Pil CHAE Anonymous earth (230515). 116x89cm, Natural pigments on canvas. 2023.

 story of blue (201004). 162x130cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

16. story of blue (201004). 162x130cm, natural pigment on canvas. 2020

Anonymous earth (230516). 116x89cm,Earth & natural pigments on canvas. 2023

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