Ottchil, wood, cotton, mud powder, mother of pearl, tin powder, egg shell
Myunghee PARK was born in 1967, after studying fine art in Busan in Korea and a few years of teaching, she did a master's degree in Korean lacquer, “Ottchil” and launched in 2009. she has organized numerous solo and group exhibitions , and has sold his works in Basel, London, Dubai, China and of course in Korea.
Myunghee PARK's work unfolds around a ternary concept which are:
1. "the energy of life"
2. "journey to the visible world"
3. "journey to the invisible world."
The energy of life translates its quest for what animates life, with a particular focus on flowers, pistils and stamens, which evoke a little Georgia O'Keefe, but this motif is treated in a very particular way with Ottchil materials.
the observation of this energy of life leads it to embrace the entire universe, in particular the beginning of the universe, after the big bang, the appearance of life by the recomposition of organic molecules or crystals, it is his vision often resulting from nocturnal meditations on the Busan mountain facing the sea.
Closing my eyes Myeunghee Park makes us discover its inner universe just as bubbling, until reaching the peace of a meditative bliss causing immense happiness. These three concepts are not separate, They form a network with each other, a trinity.